What is birth registration?
The birth registration is the birth and death registration law, 2004 (Act No. 29 of 2004) under the name, gender, birth date and place of a person, the name of parents, their nationality and permanent address, registration by the registered registrar, Give birth certificates.
Birth registration which is useful?
Birth Certificate is a proof of birth, age, identity and citizenship of a person. It is mandatory to show birth registration certificates in order to enjoy the dignity and privileges of the state’s recognized citizen. For example,
1) Passport Issue
2) Registration of marriage
3) Admission to educational institutions
4) Recruitment to government, private or autonomous organizations
5) Driving license issue
6) Preparation of voter list
7) Land registration
8) Opening of bank accounts
9) Receipt of import and export license
10) Receiving gas, water, telephone, and electricity connection
11) Tax Identification Number (TIN) received
12) Receipt of contractor license
13) Home design approval received
14) Receipt of vehicle registration
15) Trade license receipt
16) National ID card receipt
If you do not have to register the problems you have to face.
1) The birth certificate is currently being sought for proof of age during admission to schools. It is not possible to get good grades despite having a birth certificate not having a birth registration certificate.
In the event of an untoward incident, children are involved in various types of criminal activities or conspiracy. In this case, it is necessary to prove his age before committing the trial or before the punishment. The birth registration certificate plays a key role in this
3) The passport needs to go abroad for various reasons including education, occupation, business, travel, treatment. The birth registration certificate is one of the documents to submit with the passport application form. The passport can not be created without the birth registration certificate.
4) Democratic rights of all the people voted. However, in order to prove age with the voter application form, the birth registration certificate has to be submitted. The voter ID card can not be made without the birth registration certificate, hence the right to be deprived of voting rights.
5) In the case of government jobs or autonomous employment, the present birth registration certificate is also available. In spite of having no registration certificate, the desired job was lost even after having merit.
6) The birth registration certificate is required for registration of marriage. It has played a role in proving age at the time of marriage prevention. So apart from this, there is a barrier to social work like marriage.
7) The birth registration certificate is required during the registration of property after the sale and sale of the property. If you do not have this certificate, then you have to face difficulties in this regard.
8) Government-private services and resources are not allocated.
Business can not be done well.
Birth certificate registration application process.
Filling up the prescribed application form (printed or handwritten) will be required to be submitted to the registrar along with some documents or certificates. You can also apply online.
Whatever it takes –
(If the registered person is in the age of five years) –
Certification of information collector
Or, a certified copy of the EPI card.
Or, a certified copy of the certificate of birth certificate received from the concerned medical institution or the institution.
Or, as the registrar thinks necessary, the attested copy of any other such document.
Or, the certification of an NGO worker specified by the registrar as the information collector.
(If the person registered is more than five years old) –
Certified Ward Councilor / Member’s certification for proof of MBBS doctor and birthplace or permanent residence site for proof of age.
Or, as the information collector for the proof of age and birthplace, the principal or principal teacher of the concerned institution or certified by the teacher or officer nominated by him.
Or, certified copies of Birth Certificate of EPI card or passport or secondary school certificate or birth certificate of the medical institution or birth certificate from the institution for proof of age and birth.
Or, as the registrar thinks necessary, the attested copy of any other such document.
Or, the certification of an NGO worker specified by the registrar as the information collector.
Who are the birth information providers?
The parent or guardian of the child will be responsible for giving birth information to the Registrar within 45 days of the birth of the child.
Besides, who can send information to the registrar for the registration of the birth of a person:
1) Union Council member and secretary;
2) Village police;
3) City corporation or municipality councilor;
4) Health workers and family welfare workers engaged in union parishads, municipalities, city corporations or cantonment areas;
5) Field workers of NGOs engaged in health and family welfare sectors;
6) To be born in any government or private hospital or clinic or maternal or other institution, its appointed medical officer or doctor or an officer authorized by him;
7) Any other officer or employee employed by the registrar;
8) Jail Super or district or person authorized by him in case of birth in prison;
9) Officer in charge of the concerned police station for the abandoned child;
Any other person or organization is determined.
Where to register the birth?
Birth registration or permanent address of the person or any place currently residing will be registered with the registrar. Those who serve as registrars for birth registration:
1) Chairman of the Union Parishad or any officer or member empowered by the government;
2) Mayor of the municipality or any officer or councilor authorized by him;
3) Mayor of the City Corporation or an officer or councilor authorized by him;
4) President of the Cantonment Board or any officer empowered by him; Re
5) Ambassador of Bangladesh Embassy abroad or any officer empowered by him.
Note that the zonal executive officers of Dhaka South City Corporation, Dhaka North City Corporation and Gazipur City Corporation, general ward councilors in Chittagong, Khulna, and Rajshahi City Corporations, senior officials of Barisal, Sylhet and Rangpur City Corporations and senior municipal officials of Narayanganj and Comilla City Corporation Born to be the Registrar of Births
The online application process of birth certificate.
To apply for birth registration online, go to http://bris.lgd.gov.bd/pub/?pg=application_form and fill out the form. You can download the PDF file from this link to know what area and zone you have in your area: http://br.lgd.gov.bd/files/Dhaka%20city%20zonal%20office.pdf
After crossing the division, district, etc., after selecting the ward, there will be an online form on the screen. Apply online birth registration form first in Bangla (Unicode) and later in English and edit the required edit by clicking on the save button. After clicking on the Save button, the application will be transferred to the Registrar’s Office, the applicant will not have any other amendment. Then in the next step, click on the print button, the printed copy of the application will be available. For the certificates, the printed copy of the application will be required to be communicated within 15 days and in the applicable case, along with the attested copies of the required certificates, the Registrar’s Office.
Birth registration fee?
It is mandatory to register the birth within 45 days of childbirth. Parents have a fine for not registering the birth in 2 years of childbirth. By December 2008, there was a chance to register birth without any fee. The time was extended till June 2010. By this time, most of the children in the country came under the registration process. After June, the government set a fee for birth registration. However, the birth date of children for two years can be made free of cost at any time. If you only spend more than 2 years, then you have to pay this fixed fee.
F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) of birth certificate create.
Question: Birth birth can be registered in the country if you are born abroad?
Answer: According to Section-4 of the Birth and Death Registration Act, Birth or Death of Births or Births of Permanent Residents can be registered under the office of the Registrar. Therefore, the permanent resident of Bangladesh who is born/died abroad will be able to register birth or death from the Registrar at the permanent address in the country by submitting the appropriate proof of birth or death abroad. So, the expatriate Bangladeshis will be able to register the birth in the embassy by mentioning the birth and permanent address of the country till December 31, 2016.
Q: What is the new birth register to write in manual?
Answer: Of course not! To register a new birth, click on the ‘New Birth Registration’ button in the ‘Tool’ – If the page is available in Bengali or English or both, then the new birth registration will be marked separately. A book will be created next to the number of manual records that were made online. The next number of books will automatically be created after this page is 200 pages and 12 lines per page, 2400 data entry.
Q: How do UISC entrepreneurs register new births?
Answer: UISC’s entrepreneurs will enter the online entry to the Data Entry Operator, they will be registered online. The union council secretary or authorized person will register a new birth Other than the Authorized Person, others can not directly register a new birth. However, the ‘Date’ will be entered in the ‘Date Information’ link and send the applicant’s birth information to the authorized person. The Authorized Person will be able to register the birth information through this.
Q: Can the same person register births more than once?
Answer: Birth registration can not be registered multiple times. It is a criminal offense under section 21 of the Birth and Death Registration Act, 2004.
Q: How will a person check whether birth has been registered?
Answer: If you are registered online, you will be sure that this link is registered with birth registration number and date of birth.
Question: How to convert the identity number of birth certificate to the birth digit (digit) in 17 digits?
Answer: If there is less than 17 digit dissipation number, then the certificates containing 17 digit number can be submitted by submitting the old certificate in the registrar’s office.
Q: What to do if you do not save while registering the data entry/birth?
Answer: If there is no activity in BRIS for more than 15 minutes, the software automatically logs out, in which case the user will have to enter again by providing the contact name and password.
Q: What to do if you do not enter the passwords?
Answer: The English keyboard should be used when giving a password. If the Bangla Unicode Keyboard (such as Avro Keyboard) is active then close it and enter the password and enter it. Or you have to restart the computer.
Q: Do you have to enter the new birth registration option to enter data from the old external to enter data online?
Answer: When entering data from the old exterior, do not enter the “new birth registration” option when entering the data. Data entries will be entered by entering the relevant old books online. In case of new birth registration only, the entry will be entered by entering the “New Birth Registration” option mentioned in the toolbox.
Q: What if you do not have the certificate even after clicking on the Choice of Choice?
Answer: Birth and death certification is open on PDF format. So if Adobe Reader Software is not on the computer, then install it.
Q: What to do if Bengali is not written in an online application?
Answer: While writing Bangla in the online application, use Bangla Unicode Software (eg Avro Keyboard). So if you do not have Bangla Unicode software on the computer then you have to install it
Question: How can the husband’s name be written in the registration of the married woman, or how to write her permanent address?
Answer: In case of any birth registration, the name of the father and mother will be written. There is no chance of writing the husband’s name in any situation. The permanent address of the married woman will write the address that was before the wedding.
Question: Can the Bengali and English Charter be given together?
Answer: Bangla and English certificates can be given together. If required, English certificates can be provided in Bangla and other parts of the paper.
Q: What are the rules for correcting birth information?
Answer: After filling in the specified form by following the provisions of section 15 of the Act, the birth or death information can be corrected by taking the technical assistance from the Registrar General or any other authority officer/employee on his behalf.
Q: At what date will the registrar sign the certificate if the same certificate is issued for the second time?
Answer: If the birth registration certificate has been issued multiple times, the certificate date will be the date for issuing the date of birth for the first time. The Registrar subsequently issued the same certificate and signed the certificate on the date on which the certificate was printed.
Q: What to do when you see a problem in Mozilla Firefox for online birth registration “Unable to connect” or “Your connection is Private” message in Google Chrome?
Answer: For Mozilla Firefox you will first disconnect your modem. Then go to the Tools menu on the top and go to Options, then click on Privacy, there will always be blue color written “Clear Recent History or Remove individual cookies”, then you can click Remove individual cookies and write bris.lgd.gov.bd If you have any click, then click on bris.lgd.gov.bd and click Remove cookies and bris.lgd.gov.bd if you do not want to click OK. Then login with the modem connection.
In Google Chrome, first, click on “Advanced” by typing “Back to Safety”, then a message will appear, which will read “Proceed to bris.lgd.gov.bd (unsafe)”, then clicking on the link You can log in bris’s login page.
Q: What to do if you encounter any problems related to server connectivity or server error in the online birth registration?
Answer: If you encounter any problems related to server connectivity or server error in the birth registration register, mail this address (onlinebris@gmail.com). Please contact the concerned authorities (UNO, DDLG) if users have any problems regarding password or expiration.
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